The series “City Inspired” originated short before the pandemic reached the U.S. The main subject of this series is the artwork found on the manholes of the city of Miami transferred on to canvas or paper using the rubbing technique usually against a colorful background. In the latest pieces of this series, I’ve included backgrounds representing the maps of Florida and the world indicating our inevitable connectivity, especially amidst the pandemic. The city of Miami “stamped” all over the maps indicates how whatever each one of us does in our small or large city can affect the residents of the state, of the country and even of the world.
Yellow and Agua: City Inspired Series, 24"x24" Rubbing on stained canvas
City to State: City Inspired Series Diptych, 16"x16" Rubbing on stained canvas
City to World: City Inspired Series, 36"x24" Rubbing on stained canvas
Miami Vice II, 16"x16" Rubbing on stained canvas
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